Kelly Perks started her apprenticeship journey at Ferndown Fitness in August 2021. The owner Catherine Frost was looking for an opportunity to support Kelly in advancing in her role in the organisation. 

"I wanted to do an apprenticeship so that I could both work and study, broadening my knowledge in something that I have a passion for. I've enjoyed gaining the knowledge to help others more effectively. I really like how the program is set out and the weekly sessions with my peers."

Kelly is a dedicated and committed apprentice with fantastic attendance and positive feedback from her tutors, supervisor and clients. 

"Its helped me improve my skills and improved my social skills in regards to talking to clients and motivating them."

During her initial interview, Kelly talked about the personal impact that fitness has had on her life and how she wanted to help people who had medical conditions like obesity and heart disease. 

"The most challenging part of the course is remembering all the technical bits like how the heart works and muscles."

Kelly epitomises the spirit of apprenticeship standards - she works on her all-around development of the required knowledge, skills and behaviours by putting her training into practice and making progress on a daily basis. 

"After my apprenticeship I’m planning on starting on my own as a pt while also looking at furthering my knowledge with rehab and obesity courses." 
