Why do an apprenticeship?
Get Paid A Wage
Apprentices are employed - you will be paid a wage. Minimum wage for an apprentice is £4.30 per hour with 85% of apprentices staying in employment, with two-thirds (64%) remaining with the same employer.
Quicker Progression
Apprentices progress faster than typical full time students. You will learn reals skills in a real work environment and will be supported through the challenges of being in a new workplace.
Set Yourself Up For The Future
Apprentices enjoy marked salary increases when they complete their training, and those completing a higher Apprenticeship could see increased earnings of an estimated £150,000 over their lifetime.
Get To The Top
The learner survey found that one in three (32%) of all former apprentices received a promotion within a year of completing their apprenticeship, whilst three-quarters (75%) stated that they were given more responsibility in their role.
Source:reed.co.uk & Learner survey