Apprenticeship Training Continuity Plan 2022

In the event of a range of disruptions to services Elev8 Training Ltd has developed plans to manage the continuity of Apprenticeship training.

This continuity plan is a working document and will be formally reviewed and updated on an annual basis or when there are changes that impact the apprenticeship continuous plan.  

Aims & Objectives

This plan accompanies the business continuity plan and will be initiated and operated to ensure support of all stakeholders as stated. 

The purpose of this plan is to outline arrangements for the continuation of learning in the event of a crisis, or disaster that is likely to significantly disrupt normal learning provision for one or more apprentices.

The plan is designed to achieve the following strategic objectives:

a. To safeguard the safety and welfare of students, staff and visitors

b. To minimise interruption to the provision of education and secure a continuation of learning.

c. To maintain the community and identity of Elev8 Training

This is achieved by:

identifying different communication methods, managing transportation needs, offering different operating locations, backing up relevant business systems,  backing up and restoring data, providing emergency contact numbers, ensuring access to learning resources and portfolio’s,  supporting apprentices if no longer in business.


Joe England Managing Director 

Chair of crisis management team

Strategic responsibility

Coordination of safeguarding, pastoral and welfare response

Kieran England Senior Manager

Coordination of emergency response

Liaison with funding organisation

Public Relations Management

Operational responsibility 

Emergency services liaison 

Coordination of information management and communication to all stakeholders

Brianna Cain - Digital 

Digital support (Social media - Customer facing system support)

Safeguarding and welfare team member

Internal digital system support


The types of incident that are considered significant include, but are not limited to:

Fire, Flood, Explosion, Serious adverse weather condition, Vandalism, Sabotage, Theft. Loss of confidential information/data protection issue/loss of IT/MIS. Extortion, Serious accident, Serious assault. Armed or dangerous intruder. Bomb threat, Pandemic, Notifiable disease

In some instances, these incidents can be due to natural-causes such as severe weather, while in other cases, equipment failure, progressive deterioration, human error or involvement may be the cause. They have the potential to lead to the following losses, which are likely to have a major impact on operations

Loss of: Control, Expertise, Buildings, Equipment, Facilities, Data, Personnel, Reputation, Funding


During working hours, a site disruption is likely to become apparent to all staff and students very quickly: alarm activation, word-of-mouth etc. Where required apprentices and staff will be notified using multiple communication channels including telephone, WhatsApp, email and Google classroom. 

Outside working hours, a site disruption may be notified by the emergency services to the Managing Director or Senior manager on Duty

The responsibility for implementing the emergency plan lies with the Managing Director or, if not available, other designated senior member of staff. 

Evacuation is dealt with by Elev8 Training & Space Solutions Emergency Evacuation Plan.

In the event of an emergency and as soon as practicable, the Directors will meet to consider what resources are available to continue normal business as far as possible. Potential resources are: Staff, vehicles, equipment still at the scene, current IT and telephony capability.

If the disruption has resulted in the loss of the Elev8 Training’s site, the Directors meeting should be held at Managing Directors discretion of location.

Data Recovery

All Elev8 Training data is continually backed up using Google workspace which is ISO/IEC 27001. All devices have been risk assessed and supporting policies and procedures are in place to minimise the risk of cyber security breach. Staff receive annual training on cyber security. In the event of a cyber attack of the restriction on data services e.g. Internet shutdown - offline backed-up digital information will be used to ensure apprenticeship training is still accessible, through landline telephone, mobile and on-site training. If required critical information can be produced as hard copy documents from offline records.  

Emergency plan

Learners are based at their place of work (WBL), however occasionally learners may attend the main office or other learning venues for learning support. In the event of an emergency when learners are on site, it is the responsibility of the designated team member to:

• Meet and greet emergency services as they arrive, with a floor plan of the building, if possible.

• Instruct other staff not to leave the rendezvous point until told to do so.

• Liaison between Emergency Team and staff.

• Imparting factual information to staff.

• Ensure all students, staff and visitors are safe and accounted for.

• Marshalling of students, staff and visitors at the evacuation rendezvous point.

• Arranging for transfer of everyone to a place of safety.

• Arrange for warm, dry shelter for everyone in the short term.

• Deal with immediate welfare matters: distress, injuries, domestic responsibilities, etc.

• In the event that Elev8 Training were to cease trading, the Directors will endeavour to provide all learners the provision of education services at the earliest opportunity and, where possible, secure their continuation of learning with minimal disruption.

• If required, all learners have access to Elev8 Training Safeguarding team, E Directory & Pastoral care.

• In the event that our centre is deemed unsafe following an emergency, work-based learning alternative arrangements will be made with the learner’s work placement and/or other suitable local facilities.

Learning Continuity

A key component of the emergency response is to ensure that continuity of apprenticeship learning is maintained wherever possible. Through our blended learning systems apprentices can attend learning events in person or through a variety of web based systems. 

Live learning provision is available at the employers site, at a designated training centre and through live online platforms. Alternatively learners can access recorded webinars, telephone coaching, email, set reading and feedback, work-based learning assignments and work- based assessments. 

Each delivery team has alternative apprenticeship coaches who can step in to provide provision if the designated coach is delayed or unavailable. 

Group sessions are also recorded for apprentices who are unable to attend to ensure that their delay of absence does not significantly impact their apprenticeship experience. 

Learning resources, assessment and support materials can be provided in paper-based format through the postal or courier services.

All materials are available using alternative formats in line the Disability Act 

Where learner continuity cannot be maintained - Elev8 Training will ensure that ESFA rules are applied. 

Coursework and Examinations

All coursework and examination results are kept digitally with a back up in 2 locations, to ensure that no essential information is lost in the event of a disaster. 

Curriculum leads and delivery staff  will meet as soon as possible to consider the effect of the disaster on apprentice’s coursework and examination access, the curriculum will liaise with and be advised by the Awarding Organisation.

Apprentices will be offered individual advice sessions with a member of staff to discuss their concerns about the effects of the disaster on their work and any extra measures (advised by the Awarding Bodies) which are required to enable them to complete the apprenticeship successfully.


In the event of disruption to web-based systems a mobile network based communication system can be used to deliver and receive communication.  

Social media can also be utilised to provide announcements and updates to direct learners to alternative sources of learning. 

Contact details for personal and work-based contacts are stored within the data storage process, ensuring that staff can attempt to identify the reason a learner is not responding (i.e. not attended, not responding to calls, emails, messages). Apprentices who cannot be located through the contacts provided - will be passed to the safeguarding team to continue location procedure, prior to contacting emergency services. 

Transport Continuity

Where transport is required, this will be discussed and agreed with managers, employers and learners. Alternatives are included in any learning and development plan to mitigate the risk of transport issues. This includes alternative learning and development modes, appointment alterations and additional support methods to ensure the impact of transport issues are minimised.

Site Continuity

In the unlikely event of work-based site disruption – suitable local alternatives have been identified to minimise impact on employers and learners.

In the event the main office is not available an open agreement with the GMLPF is in place to move activity to Parliament Business Park, 10C Commerce Way, Liverpool L8 7BA.

Worksite based continuity is considered prior to planned visits with contingencies to complete training and assessment at alternative local facilities. Where a suitable alternative cannot be arranged for the planned date & time - reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure learners can complete learning and assessment within a suitable time frame.  

Communication Continuity

The following communication information is available on the company website and on Google Classroom in the resource area. This is communicated within the induction to all learners.

Market exit Strategy 

To safeguard against an unplanned market exit Elev8 undertakes a full review of current provision and considers local employer and labour market demands, course viability and overall quality in order to align provision and create its curriculum offer for the following academic year. Sometimes, through this process certain courses are discontinued, with new courses taking their place. 

Existing students are supported to complete their current qualifications and then directed on to new provision which better reflects the market and will support that student into local work and/or progression.

A significant drop in the overall quality of provision in teaching and learning may lead to an OFSTED inspection result of inadequate This will mean that Elev8 Training  would be unable to deliver any new apprenticeship provision. With the agreement of the ESFA, Elev8 Training would continue its current provision, supporting students to a successful outcome and award of certification and then cease delivery moving forwards. Staff no longer required to support this provision would be redeployed or go through the necessary process of redundancy

In the unlikely event of the apprenticeship contract being terminated or Elev8 Training choose to exit the market based on their own business decisions, or exit is enforced as a result of financial failure and/or entering administration or insolvency proceedings.

The main priority will be the existing apprentices and the continuation of learning for apprentices in order for them to complete their courses in a timely and efficient manner and to not be disadvantaged in any way by the decision leading to the discontinuation of Business.

To safeguard learners the following contingencies are in place

Where required Elev8 Training Staff will work with the ESFA to identify to facilitate an orderly transfer to another provider. 

Emergency Contacts:

In case of a significant incident emergency, various contact details are available on our website:


These include:

Main office: 0151 4829513 

Back up mobile number: 07769312999

Safeguarding Officer (Joe England) 0151 924 8752 

ESFA - 08000 150 600